
Showing posts from March, 2017
NATURE What do you think about nature? What’s come to your mind when you hear something about nature? Nature is one of the most important things is our life. We can't be separated from it. Nature holds so many importances, like oxygen which we use to breath. There are so many benefits we can use from nature, we have to be grateful as a human being who have been given a lot of advantages by nature. In order to pay back what nature has given to us, we have to protect our nature, we have to keep nature away from dangerous things We have to protect our nature, so that we can use our nature wisely.   Environment is one thing you can not escape from our daily activities.   Environment is found everywhere, the environment also has given us many benefits, such as giving us food, oxygen, and more.   Let’s think about the benefit that we can get for a long terms if we take care about nature. We can gain more oxygen than before because there are so many trees that’ll give us that.